Institute of Robotics and Cybernetics is one of 10 institutes of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology of the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava.
The Institute
Institute of Robotics and Cybernetics
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (FEI STU)
Slovak University of Technology
Ilkovičova 3
812 19 Bratislava
Slovak Republic
Building of FEI STU in Bratislava
block D, 4th floor, room D 413
Phone: 00421-2-60291302
Mobile: 00421-940946441
E-mail: beata.hochschornerova(at)
Professor František Duchoň - director
Professor Peter Hubinský - head of department, institute representative in Academic Senate FEI STU
Assoc. Professor Eva Miklovičová - head of department
Assoc. Professor Ladislav Körösi - head of department
Ing. Zuzana Brunclíková - secretary
Department of Robotics (Professor Peter Hubinský)
Department of Cybernetics (Assoc. Professor Eva Miklovičová)
Department of Artificial Intelligence (Assoc. Professor Ladislav Körösi)
Administrative-Technical Department
Professor Jarmila Pavlovičová
Professor František Duchoň
Professor Peter Hubinský
Professor Ladislav Jurišica, prof. em.
Professor Ján Murgaš
Professor Ivan Sekaj
Professor Anton Vitko
Professor Vojtech Veselý, prof. em.
Professor Milan Žalman, prof. em.
In the period 1963-2021, there was a total of more than 3000 graduates in various forms of study branches Automation Technology, Engineering Cybernetics, Automatic Control Systems, Automation, Cybernetics, Robotics.
Václav Kalaš (1959 – 1959)
Miroslav Šalamon (1960 – 1963)
Václav Kalaš (1963 – 1964)
Miroslav Šalamon (1964 – 1974)
Václav Kalaš (1974 – 1976)
Štefan Kočiš (1976 – 1981)
Václav Kalaš (1981 – 1989)
Ivan Georgiev (1990 – 1990)
Alexander Varga (1990 – 1991)
Milan Žalman (1991 – 1998)
Ladislav Jurišica (1998–2006)
Juraj Bízik (1983-1990)
Ján Murgaš (1991-1997)
Štefan Kozák (1998-2006)
Ladislav Jurišica (2006-2007)
Ján Murgaš (2007-2013)
Ján Murgaš (2014-2019)
Jarmila Pavlovičová (2019 –2023)
František Duchoň (since May 2, 2023)
The Institute of Robotics and Cybernetics is a pedagogical, research, and development institute of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (Slovak University of Technology) in Bratislava.
As part of its pedagogical activities, the Institute primarily provides the study program Robotics and Cybernetics in all three levels of higher education (bachelor's, master‘s and doctoral studies).
Research and teaching is carried out in laboratories, which are also built from the resources of the Institute but especially from the resources of grant tasks, tasks solved for industry and sponsorships of companies. Several parts of HW and SW laboratory equipment are the result of scientific research activities of staff, doctoral students and students.
There is also significant assistance in equipping laboratories with cooperating institutions that have lent the most modern equipment for a certain period of time to specific laboratories of the Institute. Such cooperation is a great benefit for the professional growth of employees who gain experience working on current top professional equipment, it is also beneficial for students who have the opportunity to work on equipment used in practice. The benefits for the institutions are in two areas. The current scientific and technical tasks of practice are solved at their equipment, and it is no less important that graduates who have practical experience with working on that equipment will come to practice after graduation.
The publishing activities of the Institute for individual periods can be found here:
[Link to AIS ]
The following photos document the state of equipment in the laboratories of the Institute, where research is carried out, national and international grant tasks are solved, projects within the accredited doctoral study Robotics and Cybernetics as well as the pedagogical process in accredited study programs is underway.
Schneider Electric Laboratory.
Schneider Electric Laboratory.
National Centre of Robotics.
Mobile robotics laboratory (National Centre of Robotics).